Christmas market

I. General Conditions (AGB)

Dear Guest,

We are pleased to know that you want to spend your holiday in Boppard

On order to avoid misunderstanding and difficulty, we ask kindly to read the following. Thank you!

1. Rights and commitments taken from the contracts pertaining to guest accommodation and that of the negotiation of special offers

The Tourist Information (TI) centre in Boppard is only entitled to negotiate on behalf of the concerns offering accommodation and those serving them. Contracts are arranged between those entiled to perform their funcationin their name and on their account. The TI is solely a mediator. Its contracting partner is its host.

2. The contract pertaining to taking in guests

a) The contract is considered as concluded when a room I booked or promised or, should a promise be no more valid for time reasons, already put ready for occupation.

b) The conclusion of the said contract of acceptance of a guest commits the contracted partner to fulfil the agreed contract, regardless of how long the contract has been concluded.

c) The host as contracted party is obliged to conform with the legal regulations relating to the accommodation of guests.

d) The guest for his part is legally required in the case where he/she does not take advantage of the contracted agreement to pay the agreed price or the usual price previously set down in this arrangement. The host will deduct what he has not spent in the agreement- This legally allows the host to charge 80% of the agreed amount for an overnight stay with breakfast in the case of full board. The same is valid in the case of apartment contracts where 60% may be charged (maximum 90%) in the case where accommodation services (overnight stay) are not claimed.

e) The host is morally obliged not to keep back rooms, which have not been booked so as to be able to hire them out at future date, thus, where possible, avoiding cancellations.

f) The guest is obliged to pay for the room as contractually agreed until such time as the room is hired out for use by another guest

In their own interests, we recommend that guests insure themselves against the possibility of sudden cancellation. Forms are available at the Boppard Tourist Information Office.

3. Conditions of payment

In the case where rooms and accommodation is negotiated by the TI, the terms of payment are regulated by those (hotel etc.) providing the accommodation. Where there are special offers or all-in-one offers for accommodation and services, the conditions governing terms of payment appearing in the booking are valid.

4. Guarantees and Liability

We undertake the proper management of your request and their passing on to the appropriate bodies. In this, the TI Boppard is only liable in the case of gross negligence or deliberate for the incidence of natural catastrophe, strikes or communication disturbances connected with the German Telekom. In addition, the TI is not responsible for mistakes or offence(s) on the part of the businesses (hotels etc.) their service personnel or others recommended by it. For the settlement of such as disputes arising from such issuses, the jurisdiction is in Koblenz.

5. To be noted in every case:

a) After bookings and reservations have been confirmed, it is important to check carefully whether the documents are correct and comply with what has been earlier agreed upon. Should there be clear discrepancies, these should be reported within seven days at the latest after having received confirmation.

b) Claims against the TI Boppard, the party offering accommodation, service personnel or those recommending accommodation and servives are deemed invalid after one year dating from the contracted commencement of the stay.

In these matters of regulation, common sense has first priority. We are, after all, a holiday resort, wich is at pains to please its guests, and for that reason we are very glad to welcome you. We sincerely hope that your holiday in Boppard will be a pleasant one.

We recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance for all bookings.

II. Disclaimer

a. Content of the online service

The Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard accepts no guarantee of any kind for the current validity, correctness, completeness or quality of information provided. Liability claims against the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard relating to material or non-material damages incurred as a result of use or non-use of information provided or incurred as a result of erroneous or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded insofar as there is no evidence of intent or of grossly negligent culpability on the part of the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard. All offers are without engagement and non-binding. The Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement or delete parts of pages or the whole of the provision without specific prior notification and further reserves the right to suspend or cease publication entirely.

b. References and links

Insofar as direct or indirect references (“links”) are made to external websites which are outside the area of responsibility of the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard, liability would only apply in circumstances where the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard has knowledge of the content of such external websites and where it would be technically feasible and reasonable for it to prevent use in cases of unlawful content. The Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard therefore expressly declares that no illegal contents were discernible on the sites to which links are provided at the time when such links were placed. The Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard exerts no influence on the current and future design of sites to which links are provided. For this reason, it expressly distances itself from all contents on all sites to which links are provided which have been altered since the time when such links were placed. This assertion applies to all links and references placed within our own Internet presence and to external entries posted in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard. The provider of such pages to which links are provided has sole liability for any illegal, erroneous on incomplete contents and is particular liable for damages incurred as a result of use or non-use of information presented in this manner. No liability rests with the party who merely provides references to the publication in question in the form of links.

c) Copyright and trademark law

The Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard makes every endeavour to comply with copyright in respect of graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications and further endeavours to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts which the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard has itself created or else to have recourse to graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts which are in the public domain. All brand names and trademarks named within the Internet provision including such brand names and trademarks which may have been protected by third parties are governed to an unlimited extent by the provisions contained within trademark law and subject to the intellectual property rights of the respective registered owners. The mere naming of a trademark should not lead to the assumption that such trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties. Copyright for published objects which the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard has itself created remains exclusively with the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard. Reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences or tests in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express agreement of the Boppard Tourist Information Office/Municipality of Boppard.

d) Data protection

Insofar as the Internet provision includes a facility for the entry of personal data (such as e-mail addresses, names or postal addresses), disclosure of such data by the user takes place on an expressly voluntary basis.

e) Legal validity of the present Disclaimer

Insofar as parts or individual formulations contained within the present text do not conform with, no longer conform with or do not completely conform with the current legal position, this shall be without prejudice to the remaining parts of the document in respect of content and validity.

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